The Advance Concept of the Power Triad

The source that drives all board sport enthusiasts to seek the adrenaline rush

In ancient Sanskrit language, the prana refers to a person’s life force, life energy, or life-giving force. The prana consists of seven chakras that make up a person’s well-being. A chakra is a power point, an energy center, a spiritual center and a portal between the physical and metaphysical world and are located throughout a person’s body. The word “chakra” refers to a wheel, disk or circle, suggesting that the prana moves in a circular motion within the body.

When one chakra is blocked or not functioning, the prana energy stops circulating and the body becomes prone to diseases and illnesses, which is why, according to this belief, a lot of people get sick and get diseases.

For the board sports athlete who participates in three board sports, a similar principle exists in the form of the Power Triad. Every such athlete has a Power Triad. This power triad is his life force, his life energy, his source of energy and the core or heart of his athletic skills. It is what motivates him to ride, to shred and slay, to go big and perform fancy tricks, and seek that adrenaline rush. It also motivates him to partake in all the shenanigans and customs of the board sport culture: partying, blazing, chicks, etc.

The Power Triad consists of three elements, represented by three action or extreme sports, typically board sports. Each part works off of each other and helps each other for the triad to function properly. For example, a surfer might surf in the summer to keep in shape for snowboarding in the winter, and vice versa. When ocean and snow is not present, he may longboard nearer to his home, to keep his sanity. Each part is a separate sport but the triad works at peak efficiency when all three sports are present and actively participated in.

One can be very good at one or two board sports, but if one is active in three he will improve his performance on those sports more so than if he only participated in one or two. The whole is greater than the part.

Typically if one participates in only one or two sports, he’ll be involved with them only occasionally and most importantly, he won’t have the full potential of the power triad. If he does all three elements of the triad, however, he will more likely be active all year long and have a well-conditioned body. This is the power triad functioning correctly and working at full capacity. The athlete will see unimaginable powers and will slay in all three of his chosen sports. This is why people who actively participate in three sports are generally very good in their athletic performance.

Sometimes though the athlete does other outdoor sports like cycling, hiking, kayaking or rock climbing as replacements in his triad.

Each component or sport, is represented by a physical inanimate object or item. These objects very crucial and gives the participant something tangible to hold on to, something to put memories into or associate memories with, and something to associate with his favorite sport. He uses/wears it every time he participates in that particular sport and in time it will accumulate the
his energies, memories and shred skills, and in return it provides him the necessary skills and sustenance for that sport.

For example, a surfer might wear his favorite anklet, boardshorts or
necklace when he surfs. A snowboarder might wear his favorite goggles, a skater might wear his favorite kicks or denim. He personally hand picks the item or may have received it as a gift but it will always be on his person when does the sport.

Every participant’s personal objects are unique to that individual. No two persons can share the same object.

The power triad is not only designed to make the rider a more well-rounded athlete, it is also designed to protect the rider from any harmful or negative energies. The triangular shape of the power triad forms an impervious shield or barrier which will block out and prevent any negative forces from entering the triad, and thus the rider.

When there is only one or two elements present, the triad is not sealed, leaving the rider vulnerable to negative energies.

Whereas the presence of a third element will complete the triad.

What happens when a component is missing? or two components? If one or two elements are missing, the triad becomes misaligned and unbalanced, resulting in health issues for the participant both physical and mental. He may feel incomplete, naked, lost, upset, stressed out, unhappy – things that aren’t good for one’s health.

Imagine a skateboard. If you remove a wheel, it’s not going to be skateable. Same principle with the Power Triad. Take away one component, and it stops working. All three elements must be present for the board rider to enjoy optimum health, optimum well being, and therefor, optimum athletic performance.

What if person #1 were to wear/use an object belonging to person #2?

Person #1’s power triad will be corrupted and broken. All the shred energy in the object will transfer to Person #2 and will serve his power triad. That is why is it extremely important that one does not let anyone mess with his items and must carefully safeguard them.

Like the seven chakras, the objects must be present and unblocked to receive the triad’s energy. Every time the participant goes out and rides, he “feeds” his power triad. The triad’s energy is the “fuel” for his performance. Shred energy is produced every time the participant goes out and slays or shreds on his board. This energy is collected and stored in the object that he uses/wears while doing that particular sport. This energy is also deposited into his power triad. The board rider’s shred energy from the three sports provide the necessary ingredients for the fuel that makes his power triad powerful.

The board rider could go out and shred on his board everyday and turbocharge his power triad, however most riders have school and/or work. With good time management, he can complete all daily responsibilities and have time to fit in power triad activities, like combining two activities into one, such as skating to and from school/work, then setting aside evenings, for example, for partying/sex.

The human body requires a variety of nutrients and vitamins to stay healthy. Similarly, the power triad requires shred energy from the rider shredding on his board. If one fails to partake in his power triad sports, the triad won’t receive shred energy, and the triad will become unstable, weak and ill. If one intends to maintain his slayer powers, he must continue to shred to keep his power triad fed, otherwise it will starve.

A physical inanimate object can be chosen by the rider to represent his power triad. This object can be anything – a clothing item, piece of jewelry, a rock, a wall fixture (like a dream catcher) or any personal item. Generally, this object will be very close to him at all times and preferably, it will be on his body whenever he is participating in a power triad sport.

This object serves as a “receptacle” for all of the rider’s shred energy. In time, the more he rides, the more energy is stored and eventually it will amass a huge amount of shred energy and become very powerful. In return, this shred energy is reflected back to its owner in the form of good healthy vibes, positive energy, and shred powers to improve riding performance. The object can be thought of as a guardian angel or good luck charm.

It is possible that this energy can be transferred to another person if that person gets a hold of it. That is why it is important that the rider must safeguard this object as well.

Destroying the object does not get rid of a person’s power triad. The object is merely a physical symbolic representation of his power triad, not the power triad itself.

The board rider can replace a missing object, but it will take time to build up and absorb memories and shred skills from the rider. In time the object will become very valuable and may be a suitable replacement. The Power Triad components are all interconnected and is an integral part of his shred abilities and board riding lifestyle.

The Power Triad is very important to the board rider. It provides him balance, stability, good health, happiness, protection, shred skills, shred powers, endurance, strength, and fuel and motivation to become a high performing board riding athlete. When one or more components are missing, the Power Triad falls into disarray.

This Youtuber shows the world he’s all about the Power Triad

The Power Triad Hierarchy

In modern day America, we have a caste system where people are placed in a certain status within society based on the level of contribution that they provide to it and the amount of compensation they receive. This caste system is the job title. Someone making minimum wage is generally not perceived as having a “prestigious” job title as, say, compared to someone who has a job title that brings in a 6 digit income. The former would then be located at the bottom of the caste system.

Within the board sport culture there is also a caste system. It is called the Power Triad Hiearchy. Every board rider can be classified by a particular level within the hierarchy based on a variety of factors ranging from what brand of underwear he wears, how skinny his pants are, how high he jumps in the park, his athletic skills or lack thereof and the amount of distance between his headgear and goggles.

Starting at the bottom of the hierarchy are those with no to little board skills. These people are brand new to the sport. They are total beginners. The group that falls into this category is the gaper, so named due to the large gap between their headgear and eyewear. They typically have no clue what’s going on. Usually don’t have an athletic background. Sometimes they’ll come ill-prepared, with improper gear, ill-fitting gear, gear that is lower end, lower quality, rented or second hand. But perhaps the most tell tale sign of the gaper is that on the mountain they tend to get in the way of the higher skilled individuals. In surfing the equivalent would be called “kooks”.

The next group above this group is the ripper. These are kids that have a little more improved riding skills. They are beyond the beginner stage and they can ride faster with more confidence.

As we move up the hierarchy we move up in board riding abilities. At the top of the hierarchy is the slayer and the shredder. The shredder may be proficient in one or two board sports, whereas the slayer is well experienced in three of more board sports. The slayer is the one that slays the park, slays double black diamonds, and the first to finish any race or freestyle competition.

The slayer in effect is at the top of the food chain. The top dog. He gets what he wants, does what he wants. He commands respect. He gets all kinds of perks and hookups that the lower levels don’t get. His is popular, social, and well liked. His social media always have huge amounts of followers and subs. His phone, computer, gopro and all electronics are always more advanced than those of the lower levels. He always knows what’s going on. He is independent, confident and fearless.

His gear is top notch. He always rides name brand high quality gear designed for his preferred style of riding.

The higher levels will get gear that will be more technical in its construction, be of high level of quality, made by a well-known manufacturer. Likewise, their preference in underwear brands also reflects that philosophy. They may wear a well-known fashion label (Calvin Klein), a sports label (Adidas), or a lifestyle name (PSD, Ethika). Regardless they will avoid cheap, generic, department store quality.

The Power Triad Hiearchy might look something like this. All levels of the heiarchy end with an “er”.



Examples of types of riders and where they might be in the heiarchy:

Top end

  • park rats
  • multi-board sport riders
  • locals
  • resort employees
  • pro riders
  • old school riders who’ve been riding since they were very young


  • weekend warriors

Low end

  • grommets and preteens
  • newbies who are pressured by family or friends to try a winter sport
  • group lesson attendees
  • city dwellers and flatlanders who have little experience driving on the snow and cause all the back ups and accidents on the highway
The ski school of Mt Rose, a ski resort in Nevada, understands the concept of the Power Triad Hieararchy, as we can see that they classify skill levels based on age. Young kids are Rippers, preteens are Shredders, and teens are All Mountain, which is probably equivalent to Slayer, but instead they use the term all mountain, implying that the participant can do it all which is exactly what a slayer does.


Just got back from my Tahoe snowboarding trip! Had a great time. Once again I took the train. I stayed in downtown Reno, went to Mt Rose and Squaw Valley. Came back Christmas Day. There had been a big storm there before I arrived so there was lots of snow, but during my visit to the mountain the weather was sunny so the snow was somewhat hard and compacted compared to what I’ve seen in the past. On this trip I put my new setup to the test: new DC boots, Burton bindings and Burton Dragon 156. My new setup definitely rocked, though I found I just needed treak the forward lean on those new bindings. It’s nice that Burton has included tool-less adjustments on its bindings. There were many ‘firsts’ on this trip:

  1. First trip to bring my snowboard aboard the train
  2. First time to have 2 off-hill days
  3. First time to not go to Northstar
  4. First time to go to Tahoe during the 2 week winter break
  5. First trip to shoot both pictures and video from a single device small enough to fit in my pants pocket
  6. First time to sightsee northwest Reno and visit Grandma’s grave
  7. First time to walk along Virginia St from Moana Ln to downtown
  8. First time to take Reno’s public transit
  9. First time to get a haircut during a snowboard trip
  10. First trip to ride with my new setup
  11. First trip to have meet many people on the train ride there and back and on the ski buses
  12. First time to ride rails at both Rose and Squaw and first time to try tree skiing – going off trail and boarding in between trees – lots of fun!
  13. First trip to make a new Facebook friend
  14. First trip to have photos taken by a professional photographer skiing downhill with me
  15. First time to dine at a downtown Reno BBQ house

One of the snowboard videos on my Youtube that I personally shot, People Falling of the Chairlift, has reached the 100,000 views mark a few weeks ago! I have shot many snowboarding videos but for some reason this one took off with a life of its own. Yes, it was inspired by a Warren Miller ski film.

Just a few more hours until new years. Happy new year!

11.27.09 Whiskeymilitia New Gear for Cheap

Today is the day after Turkey Day and that means it’s the biggest shopping day of the year. About a year or two ago I was in a board shop and I overheard these two girls asking the sales guy for their best deal on snowboarding gear. They had a price limit, but I forgot what it was and it seemed unlikely that they would be able to get new gear during the midseason at a board shop such as this one, that would meet their budget. It seemed that they were newbies to the sport and didn’t really know what they were looking for. If the sales person wasn’t around, I would’ve told them where to go for getting good deals, and that a retail store at this time of the year (January) was not their best choice. Possibly obtain their digits too.

Regardless where I am, and who the manufacterer is, I have never paid full price for any board that I have ever owned. They can be costly, up to several hundred dollars apiece. Of course there are ways of getting around paying full price. For example, I bought my first setup in an after season sale at a sports shop in May. Like buying last year’s car model, buying winter sports gear in the spring can save loads of cash because the main season has already passed. My second board I got from a special unadvertised mid season 40% off sale at my local shop. (Right place right time).  The next one I bought from an employee discount program. It was a brand new Burton board too. My current board I bought used from my neighborhood sports store. And I recently got new bindings from the annual ski/snowboard show at 60% off. They were last year’s model but that was perfectly cool with me. Buying used, last year’s model, or from special limited time deals, the customer can save loads of cash.

Online services like ebay and Craigslist are also excellent alternatives. What I like about Craigslist is that you get to meet the seller, and sometimes the seller could provide you with some helpful insight into the item, based from their personal experience. Plus CL is local, whereas ebay is not. Typically, sellers sell board gear because they’re upgrading, moving, or just needing cash. CL is what I would’ve suggested to those girls I overheard in the board shop.

There are other, specialized, online sources for getting good deals on gear. Unlike the previous aforementioned online sources, these sites cater entirely to the action sports market and focus specifically on selling products for boardsports enthusiasts at discounted prices. These are Websites that were brought to my attention from the sales person that sold me my current board and include whiskeymilitia, dogfunk, and brociety. I have no idea what whiskeymilitia or dogfunk means, and these names sound like they would have nothing to do with snowboarding gear, but as you know, snowboarders are always thinking up random shit. These online retailers mostly feature skateboard and snowboarding gear, and on rare occassions, you might find surfing and wakeboarding stuff. Unlike other online action sports retailer, these sites sell new gear at great discounts, typically between 40%-60% off regular store prices. I think they function as a sort of “clearing house” for items that were leftover from last year’s stock, suplus items, or items that didn’t sell too well, because I notice sometimes that the items were tagged as “discontinued” or “2008 model”. I guess it would be kind of like a “Nordstrom Rack”.

A unique feature of this system is that only one item is displayed on the page at any one time, with different items rotated about every 25 minutes or so. You never know what’s coming up. One minute you might see Skullcandy headphones, the next minute DC skate shoes, and the next a high-end Burton deck. You never know. A downside to this is that they may not always have your prefered size/color/model available, however. But the advantage of this randomness and unpredictability is the great discounts off the regular retail price. I have the whiskeymilitia site bookmarked in my browser.

On the right side of the page is where you enter your choice of size/color/style/model and the options for your shopping cart. Below that there is a column that displays which colors/sizes are available and how much of each are remaining in stock. The stock quantities are displayed in real time, a real nice feature. In the left side are the
pictures of the item, a description, and comments from users, if any. There’s usually a helpful sizing/conversion chart and multiple pictures of the item can be viewed in a popup.

But what I really like about these sites, and which I find very amusing, is the product description. The descriptions are almost never boring, stuffy or stale, because they usually consist of some witty remark or comment, which refers to how this product is going to make you “cool” and accetable and how it will help you reach your life’s goals, which in the boardsports world is the attainment of women and booze. These witty remarks reflect the boarder’s need to be rebelliously independent and to party. They are mostly aimed at males, aged 17-24, who live in suburban or semi-urban households, and who participate in skateboarding/snowboarding/surfing or any combination of these. They are most likely to be active social networkers and the types to go into a Walmart and commandeer the PA system. Here are a few examples:

Chocolate mousse just doesn’t look as good without a sprig of mint on the side, and your getup doesn’t look as good without the DC Men’s Garnish Hoody. This full-zip reversible sweatshirt lets you choose between dots and stripes. That cute girl in your Urban Planning class will never guess that you’re been wearing the same hoody every day for the past two weeks.

The DC Men’s Watchin Hat gets 72 channels. Of those 72 channels, 67 show strictly skateboarding, three feature naked pie-fights, and the last one is so dirty, we can’t describe it here. You’ll have to get this fitted New Era cap and find out for yourself.

It takes balls to face the cold. Wear the DC Men’s Brave II Full-Zip Hooded Sweatshirt to give yourself the manly motivation needed to bundle up, sprint to the corner mart, and return with a case of cold ones when the warm weather is on vacation.

Stash the DC Men’s Duffy Polo Shirt in your bag so you can change identities when you finally leave the park for the day. Your girlfriend will appreciate the soft cotton threads and your mom will thank you for finally showing up to a nice dinner without blood all over your shirt.

Who ever writes these descriptions must certainly be very creative and know whats up in the boardsports community. I always enjoy reading them even if I don’t intend to buy anything. If you’re a boarder and looking to buy new stuff, and don’t mind the surprise and random show and tell, knowing that you’re not always gauranteed your size or color preference, these sites might be an excellent choice for scoring new gear for cheap.

11.21.09 Boarding Buddies

Diane has been very interested in learning snowboarding and we talked a little about it last night. I’ve been suggesting that we go up together and I can show show her how to ride. Maybe at Mt High or Bear. She was surprised to hear that you can board here in socal. She doesn’t have any gear and I recommended that she rent the gear first, then buy later, but she says she is sure she’ll like it so wants to buy the stuff instead of renting. She also wants to learn to skateboard. We talked about finding some open parking lot near where she lives so we can skate. She’s going to get a skate deck from a family member over Thanksgiving. Last night on Youtube I saw a video that a guy took as he bombed a hill on his long board, holding the cam low to the ground. In the description, he says he is using one of those Flip Cam Ultra HD cams. I think I might try the same thing on my long board.

11.14.09 Flatland Snowboarding


I had never heard of this, but I knew it was inevitable. Sooner or later someone had to invent it. And now I guess someone already has.  I’m talking about cross country snowboarding. Yes, just like XC skiing, it’s snowboarding on level ground. These 2 extreme sports pioneers are wanting to popularize it and have made a video, which you can see in the link above. Is this lame or cool? In the video, they look like 2 bunny rabbits hopping across the trail. It looks hilarious at first. But the foundation of snowboarding is being “different” and alternative, and it’s all about exploring new ways of doing things. I guess we’ll let the viewers decide.

I’ve made my plans and reservations for this year’s trip to Lake Tahoe this past week. I’m very excited and looking forward to it. It includes three days of riding, split between Mt Rose and Squaw Valley, and one day off-hill. This year for the first time I will not be going to Northstar. It’s very expensive there, where a day ticket now costs $79, not to mention they’re the only resort that do not offer student discounts.  Mt Rose and Squaw do, however, which I’m able take advantage of. Plus I’m not all that thrilled about the Northstar mountain for some reason. Its terrain seems plain and generic and lacks diversity. It can get very crowded there with mostly Bay Area people that clog the trails. In fact it can get so crowded there that I made a video called “Afternoon Rush Hour” and posted it on my Youtube. The last time I was there I rented my gear. All they had in the rental shop were leftover boards that no one wanted. But my biggest complaint is the way the mountain is set up. To get from the base lodge area to the mountain, you need to take a tram, which is the only way to get up to the mountain. This creates a huge bottleneck problem especially in the morning when a zillion skiers and boarders arrive at the mountain. As a result it can take up to an hour in the lift line as you wait to board the tram. No other ski resort I’ve been to has this problem. Long-time employees have told me that the place has become too corporate as well. For these reasons, I have omitted Northstar from my agenda.

Just 35 minutes from downtown Reno, Nev., Mt Rose is the closet ski area to town. This year I’ll visit there two days, one day each during their “Student Discount Day” and their “Ladies Day”.  Mt Rose is unique. Although it’s comparatively smaller than other area resorts, Mt Rose for me is synonymous with hot boarder chicks. I’ve met more boarder chicks there than at any of the other Tahoe resorts, so I’m excited to see what “Ladies Day” is all about.

The other ski area where I met lots of boarder chicks is at Timberline, which, interestingly, is about the same size and has the same number of lifts as Mt Rose. The smaller skiable acreage must have something to do with it. Smaller resorts really do seem to be more personable.

11.6.09 Ski and Snowboard Show LA Convention Center

This past Saturday I checked out the local ski and snowboard show here in the Los Angeles area. The event, called SkiDazzle, takes place every year at the Los Angeles Convention Center, but this year it was extra early – it was scheduled on the Halloween weekend. I’ve visited the one in Portland, OR, and one in San Diego, but this was my first time to attend the Los Angeles event. I made new friends there, like Janellie, pictured above, who worked in the information area near the front entrance.

I usually like to go to these events because I can shop for new stuff and new gear and get the latest info from my favorite resorts all in one stop. Secondly, most everything you buy is discounted about 50% off, and thirdly, I get to discover local boardshops that I never knew existed. It’s a sweet deal, and, as it says in the literature, it’s a great way to kick off the ski season. Finally, you always leave with free swag, such as free/discounted lift tickets.

I overheard someone mention that 90% of the people who come to SkiDazzle are snowboarders, which I found interesting. At the one in Portland, the percentage of skiers is much bigger. My theory: the “surf and skate” lifestyle culture of Southern California definitely contributes to a more edgier, alternative mode that is likely to produce more snowboarders. Additionally, the small local ski areas, the fake snow, and the warmer weather, means less authentic skiing opportunites in general, but boarders have a certain type of craziness, disregard, persistence and dedication that makes them want to ride no matter what. In the Pacific Northwest, where there are big mountains everywhere, traditional skiing continues to be prevalent, based on my personal observation.

Interestingly, except for one retailer, I did not see any skiing gear being sold there.

Being my first time there I was somewhat disappointed. It was smaller than I had expected, and there were less people than I thought there would be. Maybe the lower attendance was due to the fact that the day I went was Oct. 31, Halloween Day. In fact the event closed extra early to allow attendees to attend to their night time festivities. There didn’t seem to be much going on there, may be because I’m comparing it to the ones I’ve been to in the past. There was a cooking demo, a tire chain contest, and several vert ramp demos. Then there were a selection of ski resorts present and local retailers. I saw a few contests to get people interested and engaged. Two classmates have told me that this year it was smaller than in years past, and another classmate says you can get better deals on the Internet. Except for the free Bear Mtn ticket and Mt High stickers, I came away with little free swag. The $12 parking and the $17 admission made it even less attractive.

The big advantage to going to these things are the great deals possible on new gear. Everywhere I went, everything was discounted. In one store, I found a Burton Custom 156 discounted at 50% off its store price of 529. The Custom is my number one pick for a snowboard and I would have bought it except that I have my gear already. It was last year’s model, which explains the big discount, but according to the sales guy, the construction is identical to the 09 model – just the graphics are slightly different.

In another store, called Val Surf, located, naturally, in the San Fernando Valley, I did pick up some new Burton Mission Doom bindings at a special Halloween Day-only deal of 60% off the list price of 219. (I admit, I’ve always been a little skeptical buying snowboard gear from a surf shop. I’d rather buy from a shop that specializes in snow and skate gear.) These were also last year’s model, which is OK with me. The Mission Doom was a one-year only limited production model and is identical to the Missions except that it uses the toe strap from the Cartel (a higher-end Burton binding) and Burton then renamed it Doom. The Missions are midlevel bindings that are ideal for all mountain freeriding which is mostly what I do. The Doom is all black in color, so the store discounted it 60% (instead of 50%) because it thought that the name “Doom” had a Halloween theme.

The current bindings I’ve been using are a basic level Burton binding and a Burton deck that has the cheaper extruded base, both of which I bought new back in 1999. The Burton boots I’ve been using were bought used a few years later, but also were from that era. My whole setup was of such good quality that there was no need to buy new. But after ten years, I thought it was time to update. Last year I bought a 2005 Burton Dragon with a sintered base and new DC boots from Zumiez, both of which I also hadn’t taken up to the hill yet. So with the purchase of these Mission Doom bindings, I now have an all new setup and I will have finally moved up to the 21st century of snowboarding technology. Wow.

There are pros and cons of going to these ski/snowboard events. While there are many great deals that can be found at these events, the sales floor can have lots of commotion, confusion, pressure and a feeling of rush and urgency as each sales person is constantly moving from one customer to the next. This is not an ideal situation when making decisions about spending your cash. You should have the time and space to contemplate your purchase especially if you’re going to make a long-term investment. At an individual store, the sales staff can take the time to answer your questions and help you make the right decisions on what’s best for you. But finding the best deals may mean driving around town and that takes time. At these events, it’s one-stop shopping under one roof. Of course the Internet also has great deals, but you can’t really see them in person or know how the gear would fit on you, whereas at these events, you can get your feet wet. Another disadvantage with these events is that the venders usually only have enough room for the more popular items, meaning they have a limited selection. So there are pros and cons.

Basically, I think these shows are a way for the retailers to offload items that didn’t sell well in the last season. They know most people aren’t going to buy old stuff in the spring and then have to wait all summer and fall to use it, so they save it in the warehouse until the fall, when more people are in the mood for buying ski gear. I think that’s part of the psychology behind this. My advice is to do your research before you go and get an idea on what you want to buy, and then if you see your item at the show, buy it and get out and ride!

11.2.09 Mt High Opens Halloween Weekend

Hey I just discovered that Mt High opened for skiing this past weekend ya! Their Website says that’s because of  cold weather and aggressive snowmaking, which resulted in one of their earliest openings in the resort’s history. Now I’m tempted to go up there and check it hopefully sometime this month.

Mt High is the closet ski area to LA and Orange counties and is located in the Angeles National Forest north of Rancho Cucamonga. There are no mountainous roads to get there, just mostly highways, and they have the largest tubing area in Southern California, according to their Website.

10.29.09 How to Snowboard Online Videos


I came across an excellent how-to-snowboard website that has streaming videos. If you’ve been looking for streaming videos on snowboarding instruction, I think this may be exactly what you’ve been looking for. The site is called

The site is run by a brother-sister team from Colorado. They’re both snowboard instructors. They started the site because, as mentioned in their Web page, they went looking for how to snowboard videos on the Internet but couldn’t find any decent ones, so they decided to make their own how to snowboard video series.

The site contains a series of videos divided by topic. Most of the videos are devoted to instructing the novice how to move around on a snowboard on the snow, and is broken down into short chapters starting with the real basics and ending with linking turns.  There are a few other videos on tips, like how to do jumps and how to buy your gear. Usually one from the pair is in front of the camera demonstrating, while the other is behind the camera.

I really enjoyed watching these instructional videos. The wide-screen video quality was excellent, unlike the often blurriness problem found in many Youtube videos. The picture quality was crystal clear.  They used lots of analogies that made it easier to understand. The instruction was clear, concise, straightforward and easy to follow.  I noticed they avoided technical jargon. For example, they referred to jumping up with your board as a “pop”, whereas in snowboarding and skateboarding lingo that would be called an “ollie”. And I especially liked how when the narrator would be talking about how to do something, they showed a clip of someone demonstrating it on the hill, so you could follow along and see what they’re talking about. The audio production was excellent too.

As a former snowboard instructor myself, I see that they have included all the necessary progressions and presented them in the proper sequence, using simple, easy to understand terminology. I highly recommend this site. It may be the definitive learn to snowboard video series on the Internet. If you’re a newbie and want to learn snowboarding but don’t know where to begin, go check em out.

10.23.09 College Winter Break 2010

I can see why swat the college tour group hadn’t posted any info for their upcoming college snowboarding trip to Tahoe which is called SWAT-72. The “72” refers to three days of non-stop partying. I checked their Web page recently and see that they have modified the program and thus the program name.  It’s now called, very straightforwardly, College Winter Break 2010. I called their corporate office located in Orange County and spoke with a staff member to get the full scoop. I found out that

1. Lodging is now at the Grand Sierra Resort, an upgrade from their previous lodging at Circus Circus and Sands Regency

2. Package price now includes buffet breakfasts, lunch and buffet dinners which includes crabs legs, previously no meals were included

3. Package now includes riding at Northstar Resort, rather than Squaw Valley, which according to swat is “the second best resort in the U.S. for boarding”

4. As a result the package price has increased from 299. to 399. per person

What has not changed:

1. Remains on the Martin Luther King weekend in January

2. Nightly entertainment still included in all-inclusive price

3. Bus transportation from campus to Reno continues to be optional

I asked the staff member why they made the changes and he said basically that they’ve been doing swat-72 for 12 years or so and thought that is was a time for a change. This year’s entertainment guest will be LMFAO. Now I’m tempted to check it out, although participants will need to be prepared to get no sleep during these trips (I’m sure they’re used to that already) as I found out on my first trip with them, but that is compensated by the fact that you’ll be partying with lots of hot boarder chicks.

On my first night at the hotel on my first swat trip, during the early morning hours, there was a catfight between two drunken girls in the hallway outside our room. The spectacle was no doubt recorded on several cell phones and cameras, and produced such a humongous ruckus that it caused sleeping families to complain to security. Rapper E-40 was the guest one night at some livestock exhibition hall in Reno. I was standing on the main floor when suddenly some drunk chick came up behind me, grabbed me and kicked me in the back several times with her knee for some reason. By the time I turned around she had disappeared into the rowdy crowd.

Believe me, swat trips are adventurous, eventful and memorable.


These type of tour group traveling is ideal for boarders who like to pay one all-inclusive price that includes most everything, who don’t mind riding and hanging out with a bunch of other crazy people, most of whom are strangers that you’ve never met before, who don’t mind getting little if any sleep, and who don’t mind following a rather regimented itinerary.

But for riders who are more the “solo adventurers” (I’ve met many over the years) who prefer to be independent from group itineraries, groups of people and crowded resorts, who like the backcountry, and are serious about their riding, these programs are definitely not recommended.

This may not have been the optimum time for a significant price increase considering the current state of the economy. Families are cutting back costs, and luxury items, recreational expenditures, and things like dining out are usually the first to go. And with many students struggling to pay the sharp increase in college and university fees, I think more people will be prevented from participating.

Here is a slide show of my first snowboarding trip with swat:


10.21.09 Tahoe Ski Areas Announce Opening Day

Northstar at Tahoe and Squaw Valley have announced their opening day is scheduled for November 21. That’s just one month from today! Locally, Bear Mountain and Summit have not scheduled any opening days yet. They will make an announcement after they begin snowmaking. According to their Website, “Once the conditions are right for snowmaking, we can be open from top-to-bottom in as little as two to three days!”